蛋疼无极限,想在c++ 里跑octave代码,找到了两个帖子,拼拼凑凑终于可以跑了! 帖子1 还是邮件列表里的私藏。 照着上面的代码跑一下会发现没有装octave的头文件
I tried to find information on how to call an octave .m file from a
C++ program. There is some information around, but most of it is no
longer up-to-date, it was not trivial to get it working. In this post
I want to explain how to do it, maybe it is useful to somebody.
I have a file called exampleOctaveFunction.m which looks like this:
function [resultScalar, resultString, resultMatrix] =
exampleOctaveFunction (inScalar, inString, inMatrix)
resultScalar = (inScalar * pi);
resultString = strcat ('Good morning Mr. ', inString);
resultMatrix = (inMatrix + 1);
I have a file called how-to-call-octave.cpp which is this:
#include <octave/oct.h>
#include <octave/octave.h>
#include <octave/parse.h>
#include <octave/toplev.h> /* do_octave_atexit */
int main (const int argc, char ** argv)
const char * argvv [] = {"" /* name of program, not relevant */, "--silent"};
octave_main (2, (char **) argvv, true /* embedded */);
octave_value_list functionArguments;
functionArguments (0) = 2;
functionArguments (1) = "D. Humble";
Matrix inMatrix (2, 3);
inMatrix (0, 0) = 10;
inMatrix (0, 1) = 9;
inMatrix (0, 2) = 8;
inMatrix (1, 0) = 7;
inMatrix (1, 1) = 6;
functionArguments (2) = inMatrix;
const octave_value_list result = feval ("exampleOctaveFunction",
functionArguments, 1);
std::cout << "resultScalar is " << result (0).scalar_value () << std::endl;
std::cout << "resultString is " << result (1).string_value () << std::endl;
std::cout << "resultMatrix is\n" << result (2).matrix_value ();
do_octave_atexit ();
And a little readme file, called readme.sh, that explains how to
compile and run this simple example:
#! /bin/bash
# Make sure you have octave installed. On my system, Ubuntu 8.10, I installed
# the packages octave3.0 and octave3.0-headers.
# To compile, type
make how-to-call-octave.o
# which, on my system, is equivalent to
# g++ -c -o how-to-call-octave.o how-to-call-octave.cpp
# To link, type
g++ -L /usr/lib/octave-3.0.1/ -l octinterp -o how-to-call-octave
# Adjust the directory in the -L directive according to the configuration of
# your machine.
# To run, type
# It should output something like
# resultScalar is 6.28319
# resultString is Good morning Mr. D. Humble
# resultMatrix is
# 11 10 9
# 8 7 1
# Hope this is of help to somebody.
You can also execute the readme.sh file and it will compile and run for you.
Good luck, Arjan.
apt-get 之后发现还是跑不起来, 在帖子2里找到了解决方法
I started out trying to run the octave example as a c++ file(i.e. no Qt) and received the same errors. The problem is you have to tell the linker where the libs are located. As root, run "ldconfig /path/to/octave/libs". This is not permanent because the next time ldconfig is run it will not find the octave libs.
To make sure the cache gets updated every time ldconfig is run (Ubuntu is a Debian derivative so I'm assuming the procedure is the same) do this:
sudo -i
cd /etc/ld.so.conf.d
touch octave.conf
vi (your fav. editor) octave.conf
add a line: /path/to/octavelibs
save file
run ldconfig